Saturday, April 12, 2008

Holiday Dilemma

After 4 months of mental torture, the semester has finally come to an end. Can you imagine how desperate you are for the holidays, and when you finally have it, you don't know what to do with them and start to miss school? I'm one of them.
It's been a very long time since I had a 3 weeks long holiday, and I don't know how to spend my holidays. OMG. I seriously need a plan. What do you think is the best plan for a meaningful holiday? Go for vacation? Already planned. Do some cleaning up? Not in the mood. Read a book? The last time I finished a book is years ago, I still have many leftovers. I seriously don't know what to do at this moment. I... I... I think I'm starting to miss school T_T

There's nothing else to crap now, so I'll just post a comic to wrap things up. Although there's no connection to this post.

Happy holidays to me and my friends!

4 thunderbolt(s):

Coffee Lover Kid said...

u sure no connection??? kekekeke...

Anonymous said...

i'll be free soon!
Jangan perasan! Hmmmph!
we'll be going to Pangkor! Seronoknya... haha! =)
see u soon...
very soooooon! ahahahahha!
thanks for all ur plan~ =)

Rycerain said...

Shanna: Few more hours to go and u'll be free! Can't wait for Pangkor!

Alex: Connection? What kind of connection? Tell me!

yoketeng said...

i cant wait for pangkor too!! =)