Friday, March 21, 2008

A rabbit wishing to have fangs

Ask every college or university student, and they will know how it feels like when the semester is ending:
Assignment deadlines nearing,
final exams almost right after assignment deadlines,
so much work yet so little time,
blood pressure and stress level rising,
immune system weakening,
the people around starts to become easily irritated or irritating, just like yourself.
Or maybe it's just me.

Well lets see, 2 more weeks before the semester ends, and I still have 1 documentary, 1 writing assignment, 1 viva, 1 presentation, 1 mock interview and 1 proposal, and the deadlines for 5 out of these 6 is next week! I'm so not going to get through this!

Some people say I'm too kind, I say I'm too timid to be bitchy.
Ignore the paragraph below, I don't want you to get an eye sore.

You booked something, lets say a reference book from a friend in advance, but when the day is near, another friend said he wants to borrow that same book from the friend on the same day. Fine, since I can try to find another book from someone else, let it be, you might need it more than I do. So I searched high and low for another book, and couldn't get an extra one. Then you come back and try to take away my stationaries too? bla... bla... bla.... Oh, so you took the video camera i booked first, and now you want to borrow my tripod as well?!! Well, I'm not happy and not comfortable about it, but never mind, you can take it. sigh.

Too kind to people? Easily taken advantage of? Not bitchy enough?
I'm actually very mean. Inside.

Helpless. Hopeless.

2 thunderbolt(s):

Coffee Lover Kid said...

humans.... =)

Anonymous said...

good one..."too timid to be bitchy"... haha~ what a phrase.

Maybe sometimes we just need to learn how to say NO to ppl...

All the best to you.
and me. *amen*